Monday, January 22, 2007

Bosco: Huh? Tying one's feet and hands can reveal how intelligent they are?
Myolie: Yes, if you can untie yourself in two hours, then you are okay smart. If you untie yourself in four hours, then you are not smart at all. (Bosco Wong & Myolie - War of In Laws)

Bernice: I thought you said there wasn't any bug repellents.
Moses: How else could I have kiss you again? (Bernice Liu and Moses Chan - Love Bond)

Kenneth: In this world, there are still guys who are willing to love their girlfriends forever and always.
Bernice: Hmph... Are you talking about dinosaurs?...Sorry, but they don't exist anymore. (Kenneth Ma & Bernice Liu - Into Thin Air)

why must the biscuits be round? I want you to be square! (Bosco Wong- lethal weapons of love and passion)

As a child i found a abandoned dough doll and it became my only friend. I had no friends except for him. One day i was very hungry and i ate this only friend. I am indeed a heartless man. HAHAHAHAA (War of In-Laws - Bosco Wong) i so LOVE this quote.

Leila: The jungle is so big. I can always get another tree.
Bosco: Have you ever considered about this tree, me?(Leila Tong and Bosco Wong - The Last Breakthrough)

You kick me back and forth like a ball. But luckily I can always bounce back no matter how far away you’ve thrown me. (Raymond Lam to Leila Tong - The Last Breakthrough)

"I have a husband! Even though he's dumb, stupid, ridiculous at times, and useless, he has a good heart and he's caring, unlike you!" (Myolie Wu - War of In-Laws)

If your tie isn't knotted well it can always be knotted again, but if you look down on yourself, then no one can help you (Niki to Bosco- Under the Canopy of Love)

People say that usually when women mark crosses on the calender, they are calculating their period. You marked crosses over the entire month, your period must be in a huge mess! (raymond lam- la femme desperado) this is cute!

"I'm not drunk and I want to tell you that from this moment on, you're the only person that I'll love for the rest of my life" (Kenneth Ma to Bernice Liu-Into Thin Air) another cute one!

Leong Zhi, lei ng chau dak...I don't care whether she's a mountain thief or 'sau nui' or if she has my child or not... what i love about her is her personality... mum... we love each other... please don't separate us... (Bosco- Wars of In Laws). one of my favs!

Myolie: So you are going to let me enter the contest and dance si dai mo~cloth dancing?
Liza: Gasps! If I let you then our enter dynasty will be collaps and disapear!
Myolie: Geez, isn't that a bit dramatic?
Myolie: How are you going to teach me si dai mo now?
Liza: Ha! Just using my mouth and you will recieve my skills!
Myolie:Ha? You're going to use your mouth to hold on to the stick to dance?
Liza:No!I'm talking about me saying it and you following my instructions!Understand stupid?Myolie:Oh.
(Liza Wang&Myolie Wu (War of In Laws) lol. one of my favs too!

I'm not a bird with no legs, I'm a bird that poops everywhere and irritates people (Kenneth Ma - Love Guaranteed)


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